Have you ever had one of those days when nothing seems to work out? No matter what you do you aren’t getting anywhere? Everything you touch goes awry? You feel totally alone and unsupported, like someone is pulling the rug out from under your feet? Like when your toaster oven dies and all you got is frozen bread.
In craniosacral we take the body into the direction it wants to go first, e.g. the direction of ease. Then we just stay there and wait for it to go a little further, and after that we take it back into the direction of restriction, and usually it will have released enough to go further that way. Sometimes the direction of ease is to stay right where you are, sit back, detach, look around in every direction and observe, without being worried about the outcome. Then, take action when the time is right. All of a sudden everything just goes bang, bang, bang, without any big effort, it just flows, things start to unfold, and you’re wondering what was the big deal. There is such a thing as pushing too hard. Going with the flow is much easier on the nervous system and you will ultimately get more done in less time if you are okay with waiting for the right moment. I had to wait 15 years from the time I knew I wanted to leave Germany until I finally immigrated to Canada. There were steps that had to be taken, things that needed to be lined up first, e.g. becoming a tool-and-die maker gave me the chance to get my permanent resident status, my grandma who I lived with dying made me feel free to leave without feeling guilty, and a few other things. I knew the time was right, everything fell into place, it felt right without a doubt. Within five months I was in Canada. I met all the right people at the right time. One thing led to another. One person led to another. How did I get to meet all these spiritual people? First on the little organic farm in Alix I ended up on after driving across Canada, then at the barn in Priddis, and then in Millarville, when I didn’t even know they existed? Because it just had to happen, I was ready for it. When working at my last job I was wondering for quite a while why I couldn’t find another job that I liked when I was ready to leave there. I was trying hard, but nothing happened. Again I had to wait for things to fall into place first. The place I’m working at now and the people I needed to meet wouldn’t have been there three years earlier, far from it. Sometimes the roots are in the ground already, you just can’t see anything above the surface yet. And sometimes they take a long time to grow, so there is no reason to give up. As long as you keep nurturing them, there is no other way than them breaking through the surface and bearing fruit. I feel like my whole life has been leading up to where I’m at now. Everything from my mom driving me crazy and making me want to leave to my dentist messing up my whole mouth and me having to find ways to get rid of the pain. I can somewhat see an outline of the next stage, but I know having no expectations always works best. So I will just observe and go with the flow…and trust that all is well and that I have all the support I need, even in those moments when it doesn’t feel like it at all. I welcome and accept all that is best for my highest good and am looking forward to the rest of my life with excitement. And when I hit a barrier, I will just take a step back into the direction of ease and wait, and then move forward through the barrier with ease… |